The Ultimate Quiet Tech Inspired Survival Kit for New Parents

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IStock 587876546

Becoming a new parent is the most beautiful and humbling experience. You’ve just brought a life into this world, a life that you are responsible for and who’s needs you’ll put before your own. And as you gaze into their eyes, you realise that nothing matters more than they do. 

But, it’s not all fun and games and you wish your nearest and dearest who've had kids would have kindly warned you about all that’s to come. Everyone knows about the sleepless nights, but what about the other very important practical issues, such as your teas and coffees going cold every single time, all the washing (and re-washing) you’ll do, having to drastically cut down on any self-care or beauty routines you once had, and having to take your breast pump absolutely everywhere. Enter the sleep deprived mum with breast pump in one hand and hair dryer in the other, trying not to make too much noise so she can have at least another 10 minutes of 'me time' whilst baby is blissfully asleep.

According to the Quiet Mark 2023 National Noise Report, 78% of Brits say it’s important they get quiet time as parents with young children, so having the tech at home to support this new journey will leave you feeling prepared and ready to take on the world.

Quiet Mark, the independent, international approval award programme associated with the UK Noise Abatement Society charitable foundation, encourages companies worldwide to prioritise noise reduction within the design of everyday appliances. The easily identifiable Quiet Mark with free to use online directory provides you with reliable, independent expert information about the sound products make and approved noise reduction solutions before you purchase.

In this Survival Guide for New Parents, you’ll find a variety of Quiet Mark certified tech that gives you the peace and quiet when you most need it.

Elvie Electric Double Breast Pump
Elvie Electric Double Breast Pump

Invest in a Quiet Breast Pump

Your breast pump will go wherever you go, because when it's time to pump, well, it's time to pump - regardless of whether you're at work, out for lunch or doing your weekly food shop.  For ultimate discretion, go for a breast pump that's quiet, wireless and smart, like the Quiet Mark certified Elvie Double Breast Pump.

Bosch Tassimo MyWay 2 Coffee Machine
Bosch Tassimo MyWay 2 Coffee Machine

Get a coffee machine with 'Extra Hot' option

In the midst of nappy changes, feeding baby, cleaning up and running around, you'll quickly notice how often your hot beverages go cold. Look for a coffee machine that has an extra hot function, like the Quiet Mark certified Bosch Tassimo MyWay2 Coffee Machine.

Magimix Juice Expert 3
Magimix Juice Expert 3

Get your 5-a-day with a juicer

Having so much to do, think about and plan can also mean forgetting to look after yourself. Follow a healthy diet and get your 5-a-day. Using a juicer can help ensure you don't miss your recommended intake. The Quiet Mark certified Juice Expert by Magimix is powerful and quiet, so you can juice whenever you get a moment.

mdlondon BLOW Hair Dryer
mdlondon BLOW Hair Dryer

Make time for self-care

Make the most out of the quiet moments and do something to pamper yourself - you'll enjoy it and it's good for your mental health too. The Quiet Mark certified BLOW hair dryer by mdlondon is super quiet and perfect for your DIY beauty routine.

Lumie Bodyclock Luxe 750DAB  Tumeric
Lumie Bodyclock Luxe 750DAB Tumeric

Create a relaxing environment at bedtime

Creating a relaxing atmosphere at bedtime can help make you more energised and ready to take on those middle of the night feeds. The Quiet Mark certified Lumie Bodyclock Luxe 750DAB mimics the light and colour of a fading sunset, which creates an environment where sleep comes more easily. 

Triton Showers AS2000SR Thermostatic Power Shower
Triton Showers AS2000SR Thermostatic Power Shower

Find your quiet and embrace it

Whether baby is asleep in their cot or staring at you from the bouncer strategically placed on the bathroom floor, taking a relaxing shower can re-energise you and will give you a few moments of calm.  Triton’s thermostatic power shower is so quiet that when the water is running, you hardly hear the pump, and as such has been awarded the Quiet Mark award of approval. 

Daikin MC55VB Air Purifier
Daikin MC55VB Air Purifier

Only the best (air) for little one

We spend around 90% of our time indoors, yet indoor air can be up to five times more polluted than outside. The Quiet Mark certified Daikin MC55VB Air Purifier minimises asthma and allergy symptoms by removing dust particles, pollen and other allergens from your indoor air. The result: healthy and clean air quality for everyone.

Bosch BCS8224GB Series 8 Unlimited Gen2 Vacuum Cleaner
Bosch BCS8224GB Series 8 Unlimited Gen2 Vacuum Cleaner

Get a vacuum that's quiet and powerful

Mess comes with the territory, especially as they reach those toddler milestones. Investing in a vacuum that is quiet, powerful and that can deal with the aftermath such as the Quiet Mark certified Bosch Series 8 Unlimited Gen2 Vacuum Cleaner will be a game changer.

LG Turbowash™ FH4G1BCS2 12kg Smart Washing Machine with True Steam™
LG Turbowash™ FH4G1BCS2 12kg Smart Washing Machine with True Steam™

Invest in a family sized washing machine

The amount of washing you'll do can be unexpected. You'll wash all their new outfits, bedding and sets - fresh for when they come home. And once they're home, you'll need a good family sized washing machine to keep up with your growing family. The Quiet Mark certified LG Turbowash™ FH4G1BCS2 Smart Washing Machine boasts a large 12kg drum so you can get all your washing done on the quiet.

Miele G 5310 SC Stainless Steel Freestanding Dishwasher
Miele G 5310 SC Stainless Steel Freestanding Dishwasher

Get a dishwasher to help reduce those chores

After a long day, the last thing you'll want to do is wash dishes. Getting a dishwasher will allow you to focus on other things whilst your appliance does the work for you. The Quiet Mark certified Miele G 5310 SC Stainless Steel Freestanding Dishwasher gets those dishes washed in under one hour with QuickPowerWash.

About Quiet Mark (UK)

What is Quiet Mark?

Quiet Mark is the international certification programme associated with the UK Noise Abatement Society charitable foundation (est. 1959). Conducting expert acoustic testing and verification of products Quiet Mark has over the past 13 years driven change in manufacturing worldwide to prioritise noise reduction within the design of everyday machines, appliances, technologies and house build materials, creating the first one-stop platform for third-party approved noise reduction solutions for every living space to health and well-being.

Through specialist acoustic measurement and product assessment, Quiet Mark identifies the quietest products in over 80 product categories giving consumers, trade buyers, architects and specifiers a more informed choice about the sound levels of the products they buy to empower responsible product sourcing. The Quiet Mark scheme drives designers and manufacturers to reduce sound levels of their products enabling households and workplaces to rebalance the soundscape reducing stressful unwanted noise.

Why Quiet Mark?

"I couldn't hear my baby crying over the noise of the hairdryer"

The damaging effect of excessive noise on health, productivity and social cohesion is seriously underestimated. World Health Organisation research shows that environmental noise pollution affects mental and physical health and is now second only to air pollution as the world’s largest killer pollutant. Across an estimated population of 340 million people, at least 1 million years of healthy living are lost each year due to noise pollution in Western Europe.

In our fast-paced lives, vibrancy is exciting and necessary. But this heightened state can only be valued if there is also the opportunity to choose the alternatives of calm, quiet and the chance to switch off. Quiet Mark was established to provide a credible, independent public health product symbol and directory to help consumers and industry easily identify quietest products for the home, at work and for public spaces.

The Building Sector

In February 2020, in a move to further expand its service to tackle noise-related problems in building design Quiet Mark launched its Acoustics Academy to include third-party verification of specialist acoustic materials for the building sector including - walls, floors, ceilings, doors, windows etc.

This brand-new online platform further equips and empowers architects, builders and designers with a guide to expertly verified leading acoustic solutions for every building application area. For more details -

Our Partnerships

Quiet Mark has established a unique alliance of partnerships with leading retailer groups who are helping shoppers to find the quietest appliance technology available on the market at point of sale including John Lewis & Partners, Argos Sainsburys, Currys, Harrods and Appliance City.

Quiet Mark’s top level partnership with NBS, a leading construction data and specification platform, empowers architects to specify ‘acoustics first’, by providing a short-cut for specifiers to source responsible products. The new partnership will enable the 3,600+ practices that use NBS to create specifications to easily source and find Quiet Mark certified products and materials.

The Quiet Mark RIBA-Approved CPD for the Building Sector is subscribed to by hundreds of architect practices as part of the education side to Quiet Mark’s charitable remit.

Quiet Mark works in partnership with the US Good Housekeeping Institute for the past 8 years, one of the most trusted and respected names in America, acoustically testing and reviewing products for the benefit of its readers and raising the bar for quality acoustic design to support consumers health.

By highlighting the distinctive purple Quiet Mark as a trusted symbol, our retail and industry partners are enabling a more informed choice about quieter high-performance products, a powerful example of collective care to combat stress-related noise; an important health and environmental issue.

Find Your Quiet Campaign

In a troubled world finding your quiet every day is powerful and necessary to navigate the times. One of the antidotes to anxiety, stress and uncertainties can be found in the Quiet.

From the latest evidence indicating extensive noise intolerance with the necessity for more quiet, Quiet Mark has responded creating a multi season campaign to help the nation find what it’s looking for. The first A/W’23/24 season filmed across several stunning land and seascapes off the West Coast of Scotland, each of the four films carried by an original music score composed by featured world class musicians Hattie Webb (Sting/Leonard Cohen) & Andrea Resce.

The new S/S’24 Find Your Quiet TV campaign showcases the shining stars of low noise technology in cinematic glory Quiet featuring several Certified brands alongside our real life heroes for the Overcomers campaign story. Chosen for their courage walking through seasons of health challenges our ad idents feature Sandy, Anna, Mark and Elijah the pussy cat, when Quiet meant the most to them.

Quiet Mark believes in the extraordinary benefits of communion within the beauty of our natural world. Acoustic instrumentals for the Beach, Forest, Mountain and River locations lead listeners to discover the moments of wonder experienced in the near silence nature recordings at the end of each film.

Listen to the Find Your Quiet TV soundtracks on all major streaming platforms:

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Our Heritage

The Noise Abatement Society (NAS) was founded in 1959 by the entrepreneurial businessman John Connell OBE who believed that being exposed to excessive noise profoundly affected health, children's learning, productivity, and general quality of life – he called noise ‘the forgotten pollutant’.

John almost single-handedly lobbied the Noise Abatement Act through Parliament, when in 1960, noise became a statutory nuisance for the first time in the UK. His practical problem-solving included introducing rubber dustbin lids and plastic milk crates to reduce urban disturbance, stopping night flights, and in the early 70’s he commissioned detailed planning for a revolutionary Thames Estuary Airport directing flight paths out to sea.

Today the internationally respected NAS seeks to accelerate change to protect future generations from a worsening aural environment by disseminating new methods of sound management, running an awareness programme for schools, incentivising industry to design low-noise technology and providing the only national helpline dedicated solely to the problems of noise. NAS cannot change the human condition, but it can offer practical ways to support those who wish to exercise choice in an otherwise noisy world.

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