Happy New Year! With the New Year comes loads of exciting things to look forward to in the months to come. Perhaps one of the most exciting for interior enthusiasts is forecasting the new trends that we expect to take the interiors world by storm; for this year and hopefully beyond.

Whilst it is normal to carry some design trends forward from previous years, this year we’ve seen some new and completely unique ideas coming up that we can’t wait to see more of. Below we've listed our top three trends that are shoppable now!

Organic/Natural materials - People are swapping synthetic materials, throwing out harsh chemicals/dyes and are now much more in favour of raw and organic materials like bamboos and natural weaves as well as eco-friendly dyes and paints

Curves -  Curved and rounded furniture is what it’s all about this year as we’ve been seeing in many sofas, armchairs and headboards!

Fringing - The bohemian-inspired trend is taking the interiors world by storm; with everything from mirrors, lampshades and armchairs fringed from here to the heavens.

For more of our editor's trend predictions, head over to our amazing blog here.