With space at a premium, many consumers are now living in homes with smaller footprints. This calls for finding adaptable furnishing solutions to maximise spaces. 
That’s the advice from experts at leading British soft-seating brand Icon, who has five top tips and tricks to transform small spaces to look larger to the eye.
Said Allison Chatten, interiors specialist and designer at Icon: “Space is a major concern for many homeowners and getting the most out of a limited area can be a real challenge.
“Adaptable furnishings that have multiple uses and can transform any nook and cranny into a usable space, plus be easily moved into various areas are a must.  By utilising lightweight, soft-fill and flexible seating options, it’s much easier to change a space to your needs and ensure there are comfortable places to sit, whatever the occasion.”
Here are Allison’s top tips for getting the most out of your space:
  • Explore functions of your living spaces and how many people will use it to prioritise your furnishings.
  • Take control of your home and remove the unnecessary clutter to find a balance between functionality and aesthetics. Simplifying your space will create a serene space to relax in.
  • Opt for neutral hues to push back the walls and allow the eye to roam freely. Reflect natural light from hanging mirrors adjacent to windows to instantly brighten and lighten.
  • Avoid over-furnishing and leave space to create movement and flow. Modular furnishings that are lower to the ground can help create the illusion of more space and their portability means you can re-configure to make your space work around you.
  • Select multi-purpose furniture that compliment your lifestyle and adapt to your desired atmosphere. A multipurpose stool doubles up as an additional seat and accent piece, the perfect addition to your home. 
Icon is part of the Bazaar Group, a leading soft furnishing manufacturer based in Northumberland. Its brands also include, Ayla, Eden Learning Spaces and Bambeano and are available to purchase at www.beanbagbazaar.co.uk.