You must be so disappointed, so upset not to be able to have the wedding you desire. But how about creating your own mini ceremony at home? When we are free to roam the world again you can celebrate with your friends and family. The best thing about it is you will have two dates to celebrate.

"Dear Luke,
I am so sad we can't hold the wedding we wanted just now, but let's just create our own ceremony and exchange our vows...
We will have two dates to celebrate.
All my love
Alice xx"

Here are some tips to make it extra special.

1. Decide on a date and write each other a love note- inviting each other to attend
2. order some flowers and a few special gifts
3. Clean the house, order some food and wonderful drinks and lay the table beautifully a day in advance.
4. Make your ceremony intimate- wash  each other and your hair and put some make up on, your favourite scent.
5. Get ready in seperate rooms and wear something that makes you feel good. Decide on a time when the ceremony will start and switch off all distractions.
7. This is just a day for you and for you to be together and let the day flow- write some vows you can read to each other.
8. put some lovely music and dance together
9. capture mini videos and pictures of your day
10. See the positives- this is the perfect time to connect with each other on an emotional and physical level without the stress of a big day.

At My Billet Doux we make silk Love note cushions with a secret pocket to hide love notes- why not send one to your other half and suggest an intimate wedding. We also make ring cushions which can be used to exchange rings, vows and small gifts. You can also collect lovely charms which can be attached  to the zip pull at the back of our cushions.