Rugs aren’t simply shaped pieces of carpet to fill space or cover up scuffed wooden floors, they can become a statement piece of your home. Whether it’s choosing a unique style, colour or shape or you’re looking for a new wall hanging, the brand new 100% wool rug collection from MY Furniture can really add spice to any room.
A statement rug can also help solve a host of design problems, from how to infuse colour to a room to how to make the room look finished or even how to make it seem bigger. The new rug collection from MY Furniture includes a wide range of colours, styles and patterns from classic cream, blue and gold to eye-catching monochrome stripes.
These textural, handcrafted rugs are super soft under foot, absorbing sound and providing structure. Available in an innumerable assortment of styles that are as diverse as today’s interiors. Whether you are looking for a light colour to make a room appear larger, or a bold geometric pattern to create a cozy, inviting effect, there is a range of possibilities from this amazing rug collection.
And what’s more they offer incredible value for money, priced at just £249.99 for a 100% wool rug measuring 2.3M x 1.6M. Designed in-house and exclusive to MY Furniture, the new rug collection also come with FREE UK mainland delivery. 
For further information visit or call 0800 092 1636