With the confirmation that we shall soon be able to gather and spend time with friends and family we know a lot of people have been excitedly making plans. We can’t wait to sit in gardens and parks and finally catch up after so long! This Easter we can all celebrate after a long year of uncertainty. For those who are spending it with their bubble, or are looking to create a bright and beautiful Easter table in the garden we have some bright, fun products that will make the Easter table. 

With our Easter tables we want to capture the bright colours of the season and napkins is where you can really do this and have fun with your table! We used our Hop To It Egg napkin, and our Hop Over The Rainbow Bunny Napkins. These napkins are great for a kids' Easter table, or for the big kids! 

We added novelty Easter touches - It’s all in the details! We scattered our Mix & Match Grass Bunnies – adorable decorations that are ideal for an Easter set up. Add bright blooms and chocolate treats and you're ready to seat the family and serve up your Easter lunch.

View our Instagram for inspiration on more Easter tablescapes, crafts and products, or visit our website: