Armac Martin, the UK’s leading manufacturer of luxury solid brass interior hardware, have teamed up with top interior designers to put together the ultimate guide to creating a home office. Speaking to some of the country's most renowned interior designers, and in combination with knowledge accrued over 3 generations in 92 years making high-quality, hand-finished brass fittings, they've compiled an in-depth handbook detailing the best ways to plan, decorate and finish your home workspace.
Creating the perfect space in which to work from home is clearly a hot topic at the moment. Pinterest recently recorded a 425% increase in searches for ‘working from home office ideas’*. It's about more than just the visual appeal though. It's thought that working from home could actually improve wellbeing and productivity. According to recent ONS statistics, of the businesses that expect their workforce to continue working from home, 80% ranked 'improved staff wellbeing' as the main reason** while 77% of remote workers estimate that they're more productive when working from home***.
Whether it's a spare bedroom, a shed at the bottom of the garden or a cubby hole under the stairs, the environment you create in your home office can have a massive impact, not just on your output but also on how you feel before, during and after the working day. From the colour scheme, lighting, furniture and accessories, to plants, equipment and layout, there's a lot to consider. Armac Martin's guide provides everything you need to make your own healthy, productive and stylish work-from-home space, they've even considered routines and rituals to help you get in the zone. What you do after that is up to you.

The full guide can be found on the Armac Martin Journal at

For all media enquiries, please contact:
Isabelle McGrail/Charlotte Webb, Armac Martin E:

Notes to Editors

About Armac Martin
Founded in 1929 by Birmingham brassfounder Harold McGrail, Armac was predominantly a manufacturer of reproduction furniture fittings. Harold stayed at the helm of the Armac Group until his retirement in 1988 aged 83, successfully leading the business through the most difficult of periods in WW2.
Following Harold's retirement, his son Bryan led the company until his own retirement in 1996. He set about opening up export markets and travelled to all corners of the world to build new relationships and open new markets with success.
Today, the position of Managing Director is shared jointly by Harold’s grandsons - who still run the private family-owned business. The two brothers have markedly changed the business through a continued programme of investment in all aspects and areas of the business.
With a reputation built on both the heritage that has seen skills passed down from generation to generation and incorporating modern day manufacturing techniques to ensure that quality is never compromised, Armac Martin is a leading name in luxury cabinet hardware fittings.