JUNE 2022



Armac Martin champions employees for International Women in Engineering Day 


Armac Martin is proud to celebrate its female employees on International Women in Engineering Day. With manufacturing being a typically male-dominated industry and only 11% of women making up the UK manufacturing workforce, Armac Martin is proud to employ 36 women across all departments, making up 32% of employees. 

Armac Martin recognises the importance of shining the spotlight on women within the industry, inspiring and paving the path for future generations to consider careers in both manufacturing and engineering. It’s also important to recognise the contribution of women to Armac Martin’s most recent win of the Queen’s Enterprise Award for International Trade, which would not be possible without the hard work of each and every Armac Martin employee. 

Armac Martin is also a Real Living Wage employer, ensuring not only that salaries meet the cost of living for employees, but also that workplace equality is ensured for future generations.

Richard McGrail, Commercial Director at Armac Martin comments; “At Armac Martin we recognise the challenges women face when entering the manufacturing industry, and work to make manufacturing an accessible and equal sector for all. We aim to increase our percentage of employees who are women within the business and encourage them to inspire future generations to get involved in the manufacturing sector.”



High res imagery can be found here.


For all media enquiries, please contact: 

Melissa McGrail
