What’s trending for 2024? Pinterest Predicts

Pinterest's annual 'Pinterest Predicts' report paves the way for yearly trends that influence a number of industries from fashion to interiors. Following the launch of this years report Ruth Lavender, design expert at Benchmarx Kitchens, explores how to bring a number of the trending styles into your kitchen space:

Tropic like it’s hot

“A trend that has dominated interiors over the past few years is biophilic design – the concept of bringing the outside in to create a tranquil, peaceful setting that takes inspiration from the natural world. It’s no surprise to see that Pinterest searches for ‘tropical chic décor’ increased by 110 per cent in 2023, as this trend offers a natural progression from the nature-inspired interiors we’ve been seeing.

“For those who prefer a minimal approach, a simple way to welcome a touch of the tropics is through house plants, such as palms. Pairing greenery with neutral cabinet doors and wood flooring can create a space that feels like a breath of fresh air.

“Bold design decisions and tropical décor go hand in hand – leafy prints on soft furnishings, juicy pops of colour through cabinets, standout wallpaper and wood furniture are all perfect ways of integrating this look. Have fun and create your own little tropical paradise!


“Kitsch kitchens are all about expressing your personality and creating a space that is bold and unique. This individualistic approach has seen Pinterest searches for eclectic kitchen décor rise by 50 per cent, and eccentric kitchen searches rise by 160 per cent.

“The trend welcomes a vibrant and eclectic approach, with a bold colour palette and retro prints taking centre stage. It’s important, however, to ensure the scheme is balanced to avoid overwhelming the space. If you’re planning to go bold with your cabinet doors or wall colours, balance this with neutral worksurfaces that will keep the room feeling light and airy.  

“The goal is to create a considered, treasure trove through mix and match furniture and crockery, while creating areas of interest through art, colour pops and statement lighting. Pattern can also be introduced through soft furnishings or splashbacks.


“For many of us, coffee is part of our daily ritual, so it’s unsurprising that more people are looking for ways to create designated areas to house our coffee paraphernalia. So much so that 2023 saw a whopping 1,125 per cent increase in Pinterest searches for ‘coffee bar styling’, and a 145 per cent increase in searches for ‘coffee station décor’.

“When creating a coffee station or coffee bar in your kitchen, consider whether you want it on display or would prefer to hide it away. If you’d prefer it to be out of sight, then build this into your design early in the planning stages to ensure enough storage space is set aside. An integrated coffee machine is another option – locating alongside other appliances will create a consistent look.

“If space is limited, tucking your coffee machine away in a corner of the kitchen is a viable option. When picking the perfect spot, I’d recommend ensuring your station is as close to the sink as possible, making it easy to fill the machine or kettle with water. Including cabinet storage above will ensure mugs and glasses are within reach. 

Western gothic

“Western gothic is predicted to take the interior world by storm this year, with Pinterest reporting a 145 per cent increase in searches for the term. The aesthetic takes inspiration from American ranch life, but is remixed with dark, industrial elements.

“Edgy and moody yet plush and cosy, this trend welcomes a deep colour palette and is complemented by faux leather, cowhide and industrial-style furniture and décor. When choosing colours, dark hues should be your go-to. Black kitchen cabinets are the perfect base, using softer shades like grey, beiges and blues through your walls and accessories to build the scheme. Texture and materials are also important – wood finishes, leather accessories and fringed upholstery all work to add a western feel.”

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