Shoppable pages

Earn money from products you recommend

How does it work?


Pick your products

Select affiliate products from our growing image library to use in your shoppable posts.


Share your content

Share your page and posts with your audience across different platforms.


Get paid

Monetise your influence and earn commission from any purchases made!

See how easy it is to post product links to your shoppable page

Why create a shoppable page on Press Loft?

Access thousands of affiliate products

Choose products from our ever-growing network of new and exclusive brands.

Curate your own collections

Create collections of products (with auto-link creation) to share with your audience.

Create scroll-stopping content

Design stylish moodboards to showcase some of your favourite products across platforms.

Convert your audience from followers to customers

By hosting your favourite products in one place, they can move from page to purchase in just a few clicks.

Generate a new revenue stream

by earning commission from any purchases made via your content.

Measure your engagement easily

Track your stats for each post or see the full picture in your dashboard.

Start posting products to your shoppable page

It only takes a couple of minutes to set up! Please note, if you aren't already part of our media affiliate network, you'll be redirected to sign up.

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