Welcome to the Brighton Perfume Press Office

Welcome to the Brighton Perfume Press Office

Products from this company are shipped to: United States, United Kingdom and are located in: United Kingdom"


Brighton Perfume is a window into a real vegan perfumery existing in an open kitchen blending, atomising and symbiosing small batch natural fragrance. Perfumer Pao Pincerna was the Winner of the OK! National Beauty Awards for Perfume with his first perfume 'Effrene' in 2018. Trained by Alec Lawless in Artisan Perfumery from his concept of being Led  by The Nose, Pao created his own system of fragrance design called Perfology. A controversial figure often seen as the 'Heston Blumenthal' of perfumery, he combines science with nature in a symbiotic way to create bombastic elixirs.

Counterculture driven perfume celebrating the ideals of British popular culture changing perceptions of class, racism, sexuality and religion. A revolution starts with dissent against monopoly control, the power greed institutions financed by money and governed by envy. Join us on our journey through Freedom, Debauchery, Dissent to Unlock Your Perfume DNA.

Against the System Perfume, Non Corporate, Non Cruelty, No Compromise

An instance of successfully achieving something difficult through ethics, style and a story...


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