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Personalised Christmas Planner

Martha Brook


Added 29/09/23

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GBP £ 25.95

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Calling those who love making a list…and checking it twice! Discover the Personalised Christmas planner, here to help you have your most organised, stress-free and joyful Christmas yet.

Say goodbye to forgotten Christmas gifts and hello to your most organised Christmas yet! This Personalised Christmas Planner has everything inside you could possibly need to plan not only this Christmas to come, but next Christmas too! Filled with planning spreads galore, this Christmas Organiser will help you stay on top of your tinsel-covered to-do lists.

Embossed with gold-foil, this beautiful burgundy cover can be personalised with a name of your choice to add a personal touch.

The Personalised A5 Christmas Planner is packed with useful and thoughtful content, including:

- Designed for not one, but two Christmases
- Space to capture gift lists for family and friends
- Budgeting spreads to keep your finances on track
- A handy Christmas food timing schedule
- Christmas card lists to remember who to send to
- A mind-map to jot down your family’s traditions
- Decoration inspiration and planning spreads
- Recipe pages to store your favourite Christmas foods
- A countdown to Christmas
- Reflection and memory pages from the festivities
- Inspiring quotes and notes pages for anything extra you want to add
- ….and more!

Last updated: 29/09/23

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