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Projects | Nautical inspired Apartment

Covet House

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Projects | Nautical inspired Apartment

Covet House


Added 29/03/22

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The Cullinan by Cameron Interiors is an award-winning interior design
project, that features some of COVET HOUSE?s brands. Winning the bronze in the ?Design Award and Competition?, this project was designed by the
prestigious Cameron Interiors Hong Kong, a firm that worked with projects of varying dimensions up to that point this wasn?t their first award-winning work. These projects ranged from small to large scale residential and even commercial and corporate design projects, always striving to provide unique and comprehensive design solutions, completely tailored to their clients? persona.
They chose to work with some luxurious pieces from Boca do Lobo and Brabbu to meet their client?s needs. The Cullinan stands out for its unique approach to the studio?s core values: aesthetics, functionality, personality, and value.

Last updated: 29/03/22

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Dining Room | the navy blue Collins dining chair, the gold Cary dining table, and walnut wood flooring stand out in this retro dining area

Covet House

Dining Room | the navy blue Collins dining chair, the gold Cary dining table, and walnut wood flooring stand out in this retro dining area

Covet House



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Covet House

Dining Room | spring/summer dining area with the orange Collins dining chair, Alberto retro dining table, Mirage dark suspension lamp, Kahn walnut wood sideboard, neutral rug, and vase

Covet House



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Covet House

Living Room | spring/summer art deco living area with Fitzgerald curvy rounded sofa, Isaac colorful retro rug, Philip wood center table, Mansfield red chair, Blakey pendant lamp, and curtain

Covet House



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Covet House

Living Room | the orange Fitzgerald curvy rounded sofa, Craig round center table, Coltrane pendant lamp, and marble flooring stand out in this retro style living area

Covet House


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