Press Loft for journalists:

Discover, download and connect with brands

Create your free account

Press Loft is a completely free tool for journalists and content creators.

Here are some of the things you can do...

250,000+ images to download for free

Explore our growing image library and discover new brands and products.

Receive press releases

Get relevant press releases straight to your inbox, in real-time, or as a summary.

Request images, samples and more

Get what you need for your next feature directly from the source with our journalist requests tool.

Keep up to date with trends

Be the first to know about all the new interior and gifting trends.

Message brands

Access our network of over 1,500 brands and start building lasting relationships.

Collaborate with brands

Get matched with collaboration opportunities from exciting new brands and huge household names.

Create affiliate links

Create affiliate links quickly and easily to share with your audience and start generating commission on purchases they make.

Create moodboards and designs

Make scroll-stopping content easily with Studio.

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