Original price
GBP £ 2.49
Converted price
31998 Autumn Mix Velvet Mini Pumpkin Dec, Bag/9, £10.99; 61239
Autumn Mix Velvet Mini Pumpkin Spray, 72cm, £5.99; 31921
Earthenware Bell Mushroom Ornament, 2 ast, £7.49 each; 31822
Natural Cornhusk Pumpkin Ornament, Small, £16.99; 31819 Orange
Cornhusk Pumpkin Ornament, Large, £24.99; 51474 Brown Twist
Taper Candle, £2.49
Thank you for your interest in the Gisela Graham brand. If you have any questions, require other images you can’t find here or would like to request an expert comment from Gisela or one of the team, please contact Suzanne Ahern at press@giselagraham.co.uk
Please credit all images to Gisela Graham at shop@giselagraham.co.uk
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(The Christmas 2024 collection will be launched to press during June, with images available to download here.)
Last updated: 04/09/24